Department of Applied Physics (AP)
Term and Condition (Usage Policy):
- Users must reserve equipment through the URMFS system. Unauthorized usage (without booking) is strictly prohibited.
- Users must have a valid payment source before a booking can be made.
- Users must use their own staff/student PolyU ID card to access the equipment and present their card or remotely trigger at the start and end of each session. External users must seek the laboratory-in-charge for room access and equipment activation.
- Booking sessions can only be activated and operated by the reserved user. Users are not allowed to make a booking for another person, and transfer of bookings is prohibited.
- Users must be considerate and not leave behind any items (personal belongings or equipment setup) that could affect the next booking session for other users.
- If a logbook is assigned with the booked equipment, the user must complete the log upon the session finish.
- Users are expected to fully utilize the reserved time period.
- Users who work during non-office hours (11pm-7am) must have at least one companion.
- All usage records can be browsed and exported by the user and PI/Supervisor from the online booking system.
- Users must not alter any equipment's default setting unless prior approval is obtained from the equipment-in-charge.
- Users must reset the equipment to its original configuration and tidy up the working area after use.
- Users must report any damage or signs of abnormality to the laboratory-in-charge as soon as possible.
- The laboratory-in-charge reserves the right to cancel or suspend any equipment booking for maintenance, servicing, special events, or safety reasons at any time without prior notice.
- AP reserves the right to cancel or suspend a user's account or use of facilities for any violations of safety rules, general laboratory rules, misconduct, or booking procedures.
- AP shall have the right to maintain fair use of equipment and ensure equipment's utilization. Users will be alerted and restricted on further bookings when their usage reaches a certain level of the fair usage threshold according to the system record.
- External users require payment in advance. Please consult the corresponding laboratory-in-charge for equipment/service quotation or account budget deposition procedures.
- External users shall inform AP immediately if there is any change in the above personal information.
Equipment Charge Policy:
- Users and PI/Supervisor are obligated to ensure a valid payment source and have sufficient funds before equipment reservation.
- AP reserves the right to suspend/stop providing service when the payment source does not have sufficient funds for usage settlement or user account deficits exist.
- Service charges will be committed from the payment source upon booking creation and will be deducted when the booking is completed.
- Booking sessions will be charged fully for "NO SHOW" and "LATE" cases.
- A penalty will be enforced for canceled bookings within 24 hours or even longer (i.e., minimum charge of the equipment/ full cost of booking session).
- For over-time usage (without booking), a penalty charge will be enforced (i.e., 1.5 times the rate of the equipment).
- The user/PI/Supervisor is liable for the cost to repair and/or damaged parts incurred during the equipment usage by the user.
- AP reserves the right to amend equipment/service/consumable charge rates without prior notice. They shall provide the equipment/services/consumables according to the latest listed charge rate upon reservation.
- AP reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions of Service when deemed necessary. The user/PI/Supervisor should refer to URMFS AP webpage for the latest version.
It is understood that the user has agreed to all terms and conditions when they use the AP facilities.
Version: 29th Dec 2023 (Pai)
Optical Characterization
WITEC_Confocal Raman (AP only)
WITEC_Magneto-Cryo-Confocal Raman/ Photoluminescence system
HORIBA_Confocal Raman
BRUKER_Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
EDINBURGH_Fluorescence Spectrometer (PL)
SHIMADZU_UV-Vis Spectrometer
SHIMADZU_UV-3600i Plus Spectrophmeter
PERKIN ELMER_UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer
Solar and EQE
Electrical and Magnetic Characterization
RADIANT_Ferroelectric Tester (AP only)
LAKESHORE_Cryogenic Probe Station (LTIV)
LAKESHORE_Probe Station with Keysight B1500A (AP only)
LAKESHORE_Vibrating Sample Magnetormeters (VSM)
QUANTUM DESIGN_Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS)
Keysight / Agilent 4294A Precision Impedance Analyzer (AP only)
Physical Characterization
BRUKER_Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy System (AFM)
ZAHNER_Controlled Intensity Modulated Photo Spectroscopy (CIMPS) (AP only)
MICROMERITICS_Surface Area And Porosity Analyzer (AP only)
COHERENT_Femotosecond Laser
HIDEN_Combined Microreactor Mass Spectrometer System
SHIMADZU_Gas Chromatorgraphy (AP only)
ARBIN_Battery Testing System (AP only)
SOLARTRON_Electrochemical Workstation (AP only)
Sample Fabrication
COHERENT_Excimer Laser for PLD chamber (AP only)
PLD chamber with laser heating substrate holder (AP only)
JS-VACUUM_Electron Beam & Thermal Evaporation System (AP only)
ANGSTROM_Nexdep Organic Deposition System (AP only)
MIKROUNA_Glove Box (General Usage) (AP only)
Martin_Christ Freeze Dryer
Chemical Vapor Transport for quartz tube sealing (AP only)
MTI Hot pressor (AP only)