UMF-Centre for Electron Microscopy (UMF-CEM)
CEM enables a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects, covering topics from Optoelectronic to up-conversion, Ferroelectric to Pyroelectric, alloys to ceramics, polymers to biomaterials. CEM supports two transmission electron microscopes (JEOL-2011 & JEOL-2100F) providing bright field image, select area diffraction, annular dark field STEM, phase contrast high resolution electron microscopy, holography, electron energy loss spectroscopy, EDS. A dual beam focused ion beam (FIB) microscope (JIB-4501) with EBL-NPGS providing pattern writing and sample preparation, as well as an instrumentation for TEM sample preparation (PIPS-691).
CEM supports two transmission electron microscopes (JEOL-2011 & JEOL-2100F), a dual beam focused ion beam (FIB) microscope (JIB-4501) and an instrumentation for TEM sample preparation (PIPS-691). providing bright field image, select area diffraction, annular dark field STEM, phase contrast high resolution electron microscopy, holography, electron energy loss spectroscopy, EDS. with EBL-NPGS providing pattern writing and sample preparation, as well as .
- SPI Copper Grid 400 mesh Holey Carbon Coated
- Agar Copper Grid 400 mesh Holey Carbon Coated
- Omniprobe Half Grid
- Protochips Atmosphere Electrode E-chips
- Protochips Atmosphere Without Electrode E-chips
- Protochips Fusion Electrical E-chip
- Protochips Fusion Electrothermal E-chip
- Protochips Fusion thermal E-chip
- Protochips Poseidon 1 window E-chips
- Protochips Poseidon 2 window E-chips
- Protochips Poseidon Electrochem E-chips
- Protochips Poseidon heating E-chips
- Protochips Poseidon Microwell E-chips
- SPI Quantifoil
- Ted Pella Ultrathin carbon film on lacey carbon
- TEM grid box
- Training Fee